Backup en Restore

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Backup en Restore
Backup Plus
Backup plus allows you to easily backup your important data. features include the ability to backup to just about any device, ftp backups and timed backup operations. this award winning product is all you need to keep your important data safe!

Backupned, specialisten in databeveiliging. backup, back-up, remote backup, remote back-up, remote backup service, mirror site, remote data backup,off-site storage, offsite storage, online storage, online databeheer, online storage, data backup, disaster recovery service,off-site backup,offsite backup, vaulting, televaulting, off site storage, tape opslag, tape transport, incremental backup, escrow services, informatiebeveiliging, informatie-beveiliging, informatie beveiliging, broncode, sourcecode management, escrow


Second Copy 97
Second copyŽ is the perfect automatic backup software designed for microsoft windows you have been looking for. it makes a backup of your data files to another directory, disk or computer across the network. it then monitors the source files and keeps the backup updated with new or changed files.

Winrescue 98
Backup, compact, and restore the registry of windows95 and windows98 with winrescue. many features. shareware. free download.

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